I completed Integrated Master’s in Chemistry from Amrita Viswa Vidyapeetham University, India, in the year 2019. I joined as a Ph.D. student at the University of Western Ontario in September 2021. My work is on determining the electrochemical and surface properties of UO2 and mixed UO2-ThO2 fuel specimens. The study of the corrosion behaviour of spent fuel under DGR conditions, such as the presence of oxidants and various ionic species, is also of interest. To be more precise, the kinetics of the various redox processes occurring on the fuel surface will be examined, with the primary goal of understanding and kinetically quantifying the interactions between radiolytic oxidants (H2O2) and oxidant scavengers such as H2 from water radiolysis and the corrosion of the steel vessel.
Apart from research activities, I love to spend my time reading comics and novels. I also love to try cooking new cuisines in my free time.